Kansas City Deck Builder Gains National Recognition


Deck Builder Gains National Recognition

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Kansas City deck builder, DW Elite Decks, recently gained national recognition for its longstanding reputation as one of the community’s most stable and trusted businesses.  DW Elite Decks was named “Best of the Best” among Kansas City deck builders by Rich Noonan and Best of the Best Television.  Rich recently performed an independently produced and unsolicited investigation into our company’s history and business practices.

Rich Noonan is an eight time Emmy Award winning reporter for Fox News and was a major network news anchor for many years in Philadelphia.  Rich and his team travel the country in search of the nations top businesses.  If they find a business that meets their standards as a potential for a “Best of the Best” company, they then proceed with a full review.  Rich and his staff recently performed an independently produced and unsolicited investigation into our company’s business practices and found DW Elite Decks to be the top deck builder in Kansas City.

There are several factors that Rich said made DW a “Best of the Best” company.  He said one was the length of time a business had been established.  We started building decks in Kansas City in 1997.  Customer Reviews are a huge part of a business’ reputation and also play a large role in Rich’s rating system.  DW Elite Decks is an A+ Accredited Member of the Better Business Bureau with no complaints in its history.  DW is also an Angie’s List Super Service Award Winner and has several hundred people on its reference list.   With a little research, it’s easy to see that the public opinion of DW Elite Decks service and quality is unrivaled among Kansas City deck builders!

Rich noted that another big part of their decision was also because DW was Owner Operated and used In-House Employees, not subcontractors.  He mentioned DW Elite Decks was the only deck builder in Kansas City with Showrooms open to the public.  Rich also said he felt DW was the market leader in innovations and craftsmanship compared to other Kansas City deck builders.  Our Extensive Warranty was another facet that Rich commented as playing a role in awarding DW with national recognition honors.

Check out the video and see just why “DW Elite Decks Named Best of the Best.”

We hope this helps in your decision making process!

DW Elite Decks (Kansas City deck builder)

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